In a world where success is often measured by how much we achieve, how fast we can go, and how much we can give, the art of receiving has been overlooked, especially by high-achieving women. The modern woman, highly adept at juggling multiple roles, often finds herself entrenched in the masculine energy of doing, giving, and striving. Traditional success methods often pushing these actions upon women and women breaking under the strain of pushing harder and harder to achieve.

But what happens when she learns the feminine art of receiving? The results can be life-changing, both personally and professionally.

Understanding Feminine Energy

Feminine energy is intuition, nurturing, right brain creativity, and, crucially, the ability to receive. This is not to be confused with weakness or passivity, but rather an understanding that true power comes from balance—knowing when to give and when to receive. For many high-achieving women, embracing their feminine energy can feel like a radical shift, yet it is a necessary one to avoid stress, burnout, resentment, and the sense of never quite being “enough.”


The Transformation That Comes with Receiving

Through my lived experience, I’ve witnessed how successful women transform when they embrace the feminine art of receiving. Here are some powerful shifts that occur:

1. Knowing Where to Control and Where to Surrender

One of the first lessons in the art of receiving is understanding the delicate balance between control and surrender. High-achieving women are often masters of control—they know how to manage their careers, families, and personal lives with precision. However, this constant control can lead to exhaustion and a feeling of being disconnected from oneself. Especially in their business and relationship, two highly interwoven energies of tending and serving which can lead to over-giving and codependency.

When we learn to surrender, we recognise that not everything needs to be controlled. We trust that things can unfold as they are meant to, allowing space for new opportunities, ideas, and support to flow into our lives. Surrendering doesn’t mean giving up; it means acknowledging that sometimes, the best way forward is to let go and allow things to come to us. Having patience to wait in the void while the universe works on our behalf is essential.

2. Fluent Giving and Serving Requires Being Fully Resourced

In order to give and serve effectively, we must first be fully resourced and fuelled up. High-achieving women often find themselves giving from an empty cup—pushing through fatigue, stress, and emotional depletion to meet the demands placed on them. It can lead to resentment and the feeling of being trapped and always having to perform. However, true giving and serving freely can only come from a place of abundance.

By embracing the feminine energy of receiving, we ensure that we are well-resourced before we give. This might mean taking time for self-care, setting boundaries, or simply allowing others to give to us. When we are full, our giving is more impactful, sustainable, and comes without the resentment that often accompanies overextending ourselves.

3. Burnout and Resentment Become a Thing of the Past

Burnout is a common experience for high-achieving women who are constantly in “doing” mode. The pressure to perform, achieve, and give can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion, often manifesting as stress and eventually, burnout. Resentment can also creep in when we feel that we are giving more than we are receiving, whether in our professional lives, relationships, or personal endeavours.

However, when we learn to receive, we restore balance. We give ourselves permission to rest, to be cared for, and to ask for and accept help and support. This balance prevents the cycle of burnout and resentment, allowing us to continue our work and lives with renewed energy and joy.

4. Living in Congruence with Our True Nature

Embracing the art of receiving allows us to live more congruently with our true nature. As women, our essence is deeply rooted in being, feeling, and sensing. When we align our lives with this essence, we experience greater fulfilment and authenticity. We begin to magnetise opportunities instead of striving to create them.

Living in congruence means honouring our feminine energy by allowing ourselves to receive—whether it’s support, love, or business opportunities. It’s about tuning into our intuition, trusting our feelings, and embracing the flow of life. This alignment brings a deeper sense of peace and contentment, as we are no longer striving to be something we are not.

5. Realising We Don’t Have to Do It All to Have It All

The myth of “having it all” often leads high-achieving women to believe that they must do it all. This belief can drive us to take on more than we can handle, leading to stress, burnout, comparison and a sense of inadequacy. However, when we embrace the art of receiving, we realise that we don’t have to do everything ourselves.

By allowing ourselves to receive, we open up to the possibility of collaborative partnerships, delegation, and support from others. We begin to understand that having it all doesn’t mean doing it all—it means being wise enough to accept help and smart enough to know when to ask for it.

6. Collaborative Partnerships Over Competitive Living

The competitive, cutthroat way of living and working that many high-achieving women are conditioned to accept is often at odds with our natural inclination for collaboration and community. When we learn to receive, we also learn to value partnerships and relationships over competition.

Collaborative partnerships allow us to share the load, gain new perspectives, and achieve more collectively than we could individually. This shift from competition to collaboration fosters a more supportive, empowering environment, where everyone’s strengths are recognised and celebrated.

7. Understanding Our Worth Beyond Achievements

Ultimately, one of the most profound lessons in the art of receiving is the realisation that our worth is not defined by how much we do, give, or achieve. Our worth is inherent—it just is. It’s not something we need to prove or earn.

When we embrace our soft CEO and feminine energy and allow ourselves to receive, we affirm our worth. We acknowledge that we are deserving of care, support, and abundance, not because of what we do, but because of who we are. This understanding frees us from the endless pursuit of validation through achievements and allows us to experience true self-worth that begins inside of us.

To Sum Up: Becoming Experts in the Art of Receiving

As high-achieving women, learning the art of receiving is not just a personal transformation—it’s a revolutionary act. When we become experts in receiving, we not only enhance our own lives but also create a ripple effect that empowers others to do the same. We model a new way of being that values balance, collaboration, and self-worth, paving the way for a more sustainable, fulfilling, and abundant life – the Soft CEO and Holistic Success Way.

So, the next time you find yourself caught in the cycle of doing, achieving, and giving, take a moment to pause. Ask yourself: What can I receive today? Whether it’s a compliment, an offer of help, or simply a moment of rest, allow yourself to receive it fully. In doing so, you tap into a wellspring of feminine power that has the potential to transform your life and business.

It’s already done,

Carolynne xx